how difficult is it to change the clutch in a 1991 capri and what is the process?Mercury capri?
First off what a fun car to drive. I had one but it was a 93. Ok to the answer. Raise the car, remove the front wheels, remove cv axles, take out bolts securing transmission to engine, slide transmission away from engine, replace clutch pressure plate and throw out bearing and reassemble. May I suggest a repair manual that will help out with little hints and suggestions. Usually around $20 at your parts store. Also always replace the pressure plate and throw out bearing when you do the clutch because you already have them out. Also pick up a clutch alignment tool at your local parts store. Saves a lot of frustration and swearing. Hope this helpsMercury capri?
This can be difficult. But with a manual and the right tools it is with in the skill limit of a lot of us.
The problem is that for a home mechanic, it will take about 2 days. The reason I say that is that the flywheel should be turned. Because we work at other jobs, we have to drop it off and pick it up later. It is true that it may not need to be turned, but I always have mine done. If I don't I might have to do it again in a year or less.
Check the Internet, there maybe some short cuts in how to do the job with out removing the engine and/or transmission to do the job.
I own a Miata which has a similar engine, and I replace the engine rear seal when doing this job.