Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Anyone know how to change a clutch cable in an 89 twinwheel transit PLEASE?

look its easy first check were the transmission is located if its on the left of the engine or right or under the gear stick .

second locate the cable on the clutch pedal get helper and tell him to press the clutch pedal and look for movement to locate the clutch cable.once you have located it take it off by pressing the clutch pedal down and with pair of pliers uncliping it/unbolt it from the transmission end.(always remember the cables route mark it if you need to)theres a cerclip at the pedal stopping the cable to come off take that off and the cable will slide off.

refitting it start feed the cable to the pedal and attach it to the pedal and secure it with the clip then feed the cable to the transmission garbing the end of cable with pair of pliers and pulling it until its in its position.Anyone know how to change a clutch cable in an 89 twinwheel transit PLEASE?
your best bet is to try to find a repair manual or contact the manufacturerAnyone know how to change a clutch cable in an 89 twinwheel transit PLEASE?
I've never tried on a twin wheel but on a 89 single wheel...

From underneath first undo the cable from the Gearbox end

Depending which gearbox is fitted it's either a adjuster that needs to be slackened and taken of or you can wedge something behind the arm and jemmy it off..That's the easy part, When the cable is disconnected from the Gearbox you need to realease it from the pedal end take care to have the drivers side footwell clean because there is a clip which attaches the cable to pedal and if you loose that you will have to go to a car spares shop or a breakers yard.

Once the cable is disconnected you need to go in the engine bay and take the whole cable from the bulkhead then it should be free to fall to the floor.... refitting is a reversal of removal........................Good Luck